Southend-On-Sea Big Readers Bookgroup

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Forthcoming Meetings

The "normal" meeting for books we voted to read will be on the second Monday of the month. These dates are shown in this colour.

A special online meeting for Christmas Secret Santa selections will be on the fourth Monday of the month, marked in this colour.

Meetings on any other date will be shown in this colour and will normally have an explanation in the comments.

24/03/2025 Ron NobleAt RiskRimington,StellaMichelle ThornMarch Secret Santa : Ron's present from Michelle
14/04/2025 Karon StrettonFahrenheit 451Bradbury,RayDavid Worton 
28/04/2025 Clive RichardsonThe Rule of FourCaldwell,Ian; Thomason,DustinLisa CalverApril Secret Santa : Clive's present from Lisa
12/05/2025 Cathrin Behne   Vote winner from Karon's book selections
26/05/2025 Michelle ThornOrbitalHarvey,SamanthaDavid WortonMay Secret Santa : Michelle's present from Dave
09/06/2025 Lisa Calver   Vote winner from Cathrin's book selections
23/06/2025 Cathrin BehneNorth WoodsMason,DanielCatherine WortonJune Secret Santa : Cathrin's present from Catherine
14/07/2025 Clive Richardson   Vote winner from Lisa's book selections
28/07/2025 Catherine WortonShy CreaturesChambers,ClaireKaron StrettonJuly Secret Santa : Catherine's present from Karon
11/08/2025 Michelle Thorn   Vote winner from Clive's book selections
25/08/2025 Janice CadeStarling HouseHarrow,AlixJanice CadeAugust Secret Santa : Janice's present from Sean
08/09/2025 Ron Noble   Vote winner from Michelle's selection
22/09/2025 Sean BuckleyThe Calculating StarsKowal,MaryCathrin BehneSeptember Secret Santa : Sean's present from Cathrin
13/10/2025 Janice Cade   Vote winner from Ron's book selections
27/10/2025 David WortonThis Great HemisphereAskaripour,MateoRon NobleOctober Secret Santa : David's present from Ron
10/11/2025 Sean Buckley   This will be Jan's very own book (so not from a vote selection). Title and further details to be added later...
24/11/2025 Lisa CalverWe Solve MurdersOsman,RichardClive RichardsonNovember Secret Santa : Lisa's present from Clive
08/12/2025     Christmas meeting with the 2026 Secret Santas (if we decide we're going to do them!)
19/02/2026     The 2026 January Book Challenge